
文章作者:  发布时间: 2010-03-24  

南澳大利亚州South Australia

     南澳大利亚州(简称:南澳洲)是澳大利亚面积第四大州,昵称“节日之州”(Festival State),为澳大利亚最干旱的州,面积98.4万平方公里。人口约150万,占澳大利亚总人口的10%左右。首府阿德莱德。
    南澳州的经济主要以农业、制造业和采矿业为主,同时,金融服务业也在迅速增长。制造业为南澳州最主要的工业,占南澳州的州生产总值(Gross State Product)的15%,依赖于出口,主要由汽车制造、零件制造、药品和防御技术组成。其中,汽车制造占澳大利亚汽车制造业总产品的44%。在澳大利亚所有的州和领地中,南澳州的经济最依赖于出口。
  阿德雷得(Adelaide)是南澳大利亚州的首府,是一个让人心旷神怡的城市。每两年在阿德雷得庆典中心举行一次的“阿德雷得艺术节”(Adelaide Festival)已成为国际瞩目的文化艺术盛会。阿德雷得的著名文化与风景名胜有:南澳大利亚博物馆(South Australian Museum),阿德雷得庆典中心(Adelaide Festival Centre),巴罗莎谷(Barossa Valley),袋鼠岛(Kangaroo Island).

  了解更多南澳大利亚州信息,请登陆以下网址查询:For more information, please login the following websites:
South Australia (abbreviation: SA) is famous as Festival State with Adelaide as its capital. In the north of South Australia, past the ancient folds of the Flinders Ranges, the great deserts of Australia meet. It is in this stark and inhospitable region that some of the most exciting mineral developments in Australia area taking place. For the soils of South Australia are providing at last to be a treasure house of more than just jade and opals, with copious deposits of minerals such as iron ore, coal, copper and nature gas. Farming is confined mainly to the mid –north, where rolling fields of wheat and barely also produce the highest wool fleece-weight of any Australian state. Adelaide is the main city and harbor. Adelaide prides itself on being a city of parks and well laid-out streets, a refined oasis at the head of a great dry, where fortunately few of the problems of pollution and rapid population growth are felt. South Australia established the friendship relations with Shandong province in 1986.



     山东,古代为齐鲁之地,位于中国东部沿海、黄河下游、京杭大运河的中北段,省会设在济南。陆地总面积15.67万平方公里。近年来山东亦成为中国经济最发达的省份之一。总人口 9180万人(2004年末)(中国内地的7.1%,第2位),人口密度:584人/平方千米.  山东旅游资源丰富,自然风光秀丽,文物古迹众多。“世界自然文化遗产”、“五岳之尊”泰山,“世界文化遗产”孔子故里曲阜“三孔”,齐国故都临淄,“人间仙境”蓬莱,“道教圣地”崂山,“世界风筝都”潍坊,国际啤酒城青岛,国际葡萄酒城烟台,荣成“天尽头”,“泉城”济南,黄河入海奇观,“仙山之祖”昆嵛山,有着女娲补天的美丽传说的峄山,以集聚水浒英雄而著名的史称“八百里水泊”的梁山泊等,都是旅游观光的好去处。
  曲阜 孔庙 孔林 孔府(世界文化遗产) 孔庙是祭祀孔子的地方,在孔子过世一年后由鲁哀公建立。孔林本名“至圣林”,是孔子及其家族的墓地,也是世界上最大、延续最久、保留最完整的宗族墓地与人造林园。孔府也称“圣府”,紧邻孔庙东侧,是孔子嫡系长子长孙居住的私人庄园,是中国历史最悠久、保存最完整的贵族府第。据2005年山东省国民经济和社会发展统计公报公布据初步核算,全省实现生产总值(GDP)18468.3亿元,居全国第二位,仅较第三位的江苏省多出约二百亿元。三次产业比例为10.4:57.5:32.1。实现进出口768.9亿美元。国内生产总值人民18468.3亿元(2005年)(中国内地的11.3%,第2位) - 每人平均 人民币20427.28元(2005年).至2004年底,全省国际友好城市总数已达121对,各种友好关系696对,位居全国前列,初步形成了全方位、多层次、网络化的对外交往格局。 1986年与南澳建立友好省州。  

Shandong, place of Qi and Lu in ancient times, was located the East China coast, the Yellow River downriver, the provincial capital is located in Jinan. In recent years Shandong also became one of most economical developed provinces in China. Shandong’s traveling resources is rich, natural scenery is beautiful and the cultural relic historical site is multitudinous. Taishan is famous as “The world natural cultural heritage” and “revering of the five mountains”, Qufu is famous for Kong Zi “the world culture inheritance”. All is the good destination which is worthy for the travelers sightseeing. In 1986 Shandong established the friendship relations with South Australia.


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